Eine kleine Statistik

Besucher: 742672
Getestete Weissbiere: 432
Brauereien: 297

Wir haben zuletzt getestet am 24.02.2024:

Das Weissbier: Kingpin Weizen



So haben wir getestet:

Flasche: 8,7,6,5,5,4

Farbe & Geruch: 7,4,8,3,2,2

Geschmack: 2,0,4,3,2,2

Nachgeschmack: 2,0,3,2,1,1

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Unser Fazit:

Die Brauerei: Kingpin Browar

Beschreibung: (Quelle: http://browarkingpin.pl)

Team Kingpin
Since 2014, Kingpin continues to be one of the most recognizable craft beer brands in Poland, appreciated among craft beer fans for high-quality, creative, character-filled beers, brewed only from natural ingredients, in an innovative way, but with respect to brewing traditions and technologies, and using artisanal production methods.
Our regular offer includes many beers that have become a permanent element of the Polish craft beer scene. In addition to new wave beers in popular styles, we are also developing an offer of everyday beers for beer lovers looking for a well-brewed, solid classic.

Our WEIZEN is a traditional wheat beer with characteristic cloudiness and banana-clove aroma and flavour. Moderate alcohol content and pleasant effervescence make this refreshing beer one of the most enjoyable styles for all beer lovers.

Malts: wheat malt, barley malt
Hops: Marynka, Lubelski
Yeast: Fermentis SafAle WB-06

Best served at
4 - 7° C
Gold medal winner of the Hefeweizen Hell category at the Concours International de Lyon 2021

Link: http://browarkingpin.pl